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Animation Final Summary

1. The storyline of my animation is there is a a man named Taylor Tolle and his best friend named Disc. It’s based off the song that is playing in the background, about Frisbee Golf.

2. Yes, it was a little different in my head than it turned out on film. However that’s okay, because the idea in my head was “ideal”. The thing that’s on film is actually real, and it was close enough to how I envisioned it.

3. The biggest success was probably how well the music matched up with parts of the animation, I wasn’t expecting it to work as well as it did overall. The music worked nicely though.

4. I think timing everything while taking the photos was the hardest, with some parts we had to stop for one reason or another and it made some of it look a little choppy so I’m glad it turned out good despite all the small flaws and flashes.

5. It takes, a lot, of work.

6. I’d probably buy a cooler frisbee or worked in a place where the sun wasn’t screwing up the lighting as much as it did in some parts. I learned that I’m a lot more patient with taking photos in this fashion that I originally expected.

7. The disc would be revived with the soul of satan and seek out to destroy Taylor Tolle.

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