Animation Final Summary

1. The storyline of my animation is there is a a man named Taylor Tolle and his best friend named Disc. It’s based off the song that is playing in the background, about Frisbee Golf.

2. Yes, it was a little different in my head than it turned out on film. However that’s okay, because the idea in my head was “ideal”. The thing that’s on film is actually real, and it was close enough to how I envisioned it.

3. The biggest success was probably how well the music matched up with parts of the animation, I wasn’t expecting it to work as well as it did overall. The music worked nicely though.

4. I think timing everything while taking the photos was the hardest, with some parts we had to stop for one reason or another and it made some of it look a little choppy so I’m glad it turned out good despite all the small flaws and flashes.

5. It takes, a lot, of work.

6. I’d probably buy a cooler frisbee or worked in a place where the sun wasn’t screwing up the lighting as much as it did in some parts. I learned that I’m a lot more patient with taking photos in this fashion that I originally expected.

7. The disc would be revived with the soul of satan and seek out to destroy Taylor Tolle.

Animation Reflection

1. I would say my favorite one was probably the one with the girl and the “Alice in Wonderland” theme to it. I only say that because she opened up a hole in the floor and fell down it, that’s the only way to really describe it other than the girl also had red hair.

2. I liked how it was real life, but it also had an element of fantasy to it with all the other things going on. It was real, but it was fake. Just made the whole concept of the animation a little better.

3. I didn’t like the tetris one, primarily because the person was terrible at the game. But also there didn’t seem to be enough to it, I can however appreciate the amount of people it took to do that whole thing. As well as the money it must’ve taken for them to complete it. It was a lot of work and the animation itself wasn’t bad, I just didn’t enjoy the concept as much as I did the other ones.

4. I will probably be heavily considering the amount of work it will take for me to make as good of an animation as the people in these videos did, that it will take a lot of timing and planning to do the thing right. Hopefully mine will turn out good though.

T-Shirt Brainstorm

1. I think the theme of my T-shirt will either be very complex or very simple.

2. I’m thinking either a wide variety of colors or just tan and a couple other shades,also including a little bit of blue in there.

3. No matter what, it’s got to have at least one cat on there. I was thinking about putting the cat from the Grumpy Cat meme into the design, her name is tardar sauce by the way, and turning her into a vexel image because the way I see it in my head is very simplistic but it could also turn out to be extremely cool.

4. I was planning on either using the pen tool or bringing images in to trace over them with the pen tool. Then proceeding to use the paint brush tool to go over it. I may end up tracing it out first, either that or I’ll just make a rough sketch so I can have an outline of the image to look off of when I have it in Illustrator.


-“Use you inner energy!” by mi-ja

1. Intricate

2. I see a torn apart heart and all the veins and arteries having blood flowing throughout them and leading back to the heart.

3. The color is almost used to emphasize the actual design itself rather than the back round of the tank top.

4. I believe rhythm and color are used very nicely in this design. Although there isn’t a whole lot of color, turquoise is one of my favorite colors and I like how it’s the main focus of the shirt. As well as everything flowing nicely to create a rhythm in the design.

5. I think the type of person who would buy this would enjoy more artistic things rather than comedic.

6. I like the color and the design of the heart in the middle of the image.

7. I hope it wins so I can buy it.

– “You have the power” by Ultinato

1. Wahbam

2. There are two cans literally exploding with color or maybe paint, not sure which one.

3. The color of the design is amazing in the way that it makes the shirt pop out at you rather than just looking flat.

4. The amount of color really creates value in the image and gives it the contrast of different colors, it really makes the shirt. Is the popping color and how much it just shoots out at you.

5. A person who enjoys things that aren’t boring and likes lots of color in what they wear.

6. I enjoy how it pops, the words on the can are also cool. However I like it a lot regardless.

7. All this stuff is tempting the crap out of me.

– “Green Man” by Fanboy_78

1. Green.

2. Its the face of a Green Man, most likely representing Nature of some kind.

3. The color is mostly green but it appears nicely against the grey back round of the shirt.

4. The Color is very Analogous, there isn’t a whole lot of different colors but the different shades of green work very nicely to emphasize that he is in fact a green man.

5. A person who enjoys Nature would love the crap out of this shirt.

6. There’s so much detail to the face, it’s just cool to look at.

7. It wouldn’t be my first choice, but it is pretty awesome regardless.

– “Parachute Moon” by arianrrecaj

1. Lunar.

2. It’s a man parachuting with the moon in the night sky.

3. There is a lack of color, other than black and white but the majority of the night sky is that way so it makes sense I suppose.

4. The space that is left wide open is very nice, there’s space. However the design isn’t lacking anything so it all just connects together nicely.

5. Anyone who enjoys artistic and just abstract art would enjoy this quite a bit, I know I do.

6. The design is really original, I haven’t seen anything like it and maybe that’s why I like it so much.

7. Oh of course I would buy this.





1. The name of my font is “Metallic Sharp”, and the reason why it’s called that is because I based it off the font the band “Metallica” uses and the ends of the letters are sharp and pointy. It’s a basic premise, but I think the name sounds cool.

2. The style of  my font is pointed and jagged, not what I would call threatening. It just looks a little creepy, but I’ve been using it for a variety of different things for a long time and it’s just kind of stuck with me over the years. It has imperfections, but in a way that’s kind of the point. It’s almost supposed to stress the imperfections because of the overall look to the font.

3. Metallica has been one of my favorite bands for years and it always upset me that the words I could ever find in that font was the actual logo itself. So I guess you could say I expanded upon it and that’s basically it.

4. The way my font relates to my personality is that I’m kind of an odd person, not threatening. Just a little odd, but that’s why it seems to work.

5. The most difficult part was probably creating the “S”, getting all the curvatures right and points on the end weren’t an easy task. Even now it’s not perfect, but it’s the closest I felt I got.

6. My biggest success was probably the whole set of capital letters. When I first started using the font, I pretty much only ever wrote in capital letters so it wasn’t difficult to recreate what I’d already been using for a while.

7. The second font would probably be a little more cute and harmless looking, so maybe in some kind of bubble letters or just puffy looking. It would be called “Cloud Wash” or something like that.

Typography Brainstorm

1. The kind of type face I was thinking about resembles the font for the “Metallica” logo, but a little more pointed and not as elongated.

2. Probably something along the lines of a regular style, not really any amount of fanciness to it. Just it’s own kind of style I guess.

3. The “Metallica” logo is the closest resemblance to what I plan to make my font look like.

4. If I was going to have it used for anything it would be a casual note, banner, or maybe a band poster of some kind. However I didn’t really have any specific purpose in mind.

5. I think the tool I will use the most is probably a variety of the shape tools, or the pen tool. In contrast, using the pen tool can make the lettering turn out unsymmetrical and without rhyme or reason, to use a cliche, while the shape tool will make it a lot easier to be organized and more formal even if the font itself isn’t supposed to be formal.


1. I think that font can change the mood drastically, however the way it does so is so subliminal that it’s hard to notice how you’re feeling when you’re feeling it. Like the guy said Helvetica itself is a pretty balanced mix for a person’s mood. It makes us feel impartial because it’s so clean and common that we have just been eased into a mood of security when it comes to helvetica. Some bands have a certain font they use for their name that make me not wanna listen to them, regardless of the name of the band. The font may be difficult to read or odd looking and it makes me not wanna listen to the band anyway.

2. I probably use Times New Roman the most simply because it’s the font that teachers prefer for writing papers and essays, other than that I don’t really type out too many things.

3. Looking throughout the ages, it seems as though every generation has it’s very own style to it as well as design. Painters in the last 20 years seem like they have evolved from the tradition way of painting in the early 1900s’. It shows who we are as a group of people and really keeps the history of our generations in check.

4. I’m not sure about how I would feel about it primarily because I haven’t experienced a major change in the font, depending on which font it is I could think it’s a little cooler or a little more lame. It would vary depending on the place or company that had the font altered in the first place.

5. The thing that I have taken away most from this film, is that I’m really starting to notice all the different signs and whatnot that use helvetica. It’s something I had never noticed before, and it keeps popping up everywhere; it’s driving me crazy a little bit but it’s also interesting to have your eyes opened to how common helvetica is.

6. It’s made me appreciate it a little more in terms of the work that goes into making a font, I had never really thought before on how long it takes just to make a set of letters and symbols.

Vexel Portraits

“Damien Blake: Ponchos for the People.”

Vexel_Damien Blake Done2

I believe that my vexel portrait was really successful, and I’m pretty confident that I did a good job with it. The process was fun and interesting and I think if I had more time I would’ve definitely made more of them with possibly more complicated images or people to work with. Either way I’m proud of my work. I think the hardest part of the project as a whole was doing my shirt and trying to make the back round blend with everything that I was doing. However I’m glad I sat through it because both of them look great in the end. If I could vexelize anything else it would probably be more portraits of me, my friends, or maybe even the wilderness. I was thinking something along the lines of trees or lakes but I think I’d give almost anything a try.