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T-Shirt Brainstorm

1. I think the theme of my T-shirt will either be very complex or very simple.

2. I’m thinking either a wide variety of colors or just tan and a couple other shades,also including a little bit of blue in there.

3. No matter what, it’s got to have at least one cat on there. I was thinking about putting the cat from the Grumpy Cat meme into the design, her name is tardar sauce by the way, and turning her into a vexel image because the way I see it in my head is very simplistic but it could also turn out to be extremely cool.

4. I was planning on either using the pen tool or bringing images in to trace over them with the pen tool. Then proceeding to use the paint brush tool to go over it. I may end up tracing it out first, either that or I’ll just make a rough sketch so I can have an outline of the image to look off of when I have it in Illustrator.

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