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Typography Brainstorm

1. The kind of type face I was thinking about resembles the font for the “Metallica” logo, but a little more pointed and not as elongated.

2. Probably something along the lines of a regular style, not really any amount of fanciness to it. Just it’s own kind of style I guess.

3. The “Metallica” logo is the closest resemblance to what I plan to make my font look like.

4. If I was going to have it used for anything it would be a casual note, banner, or maybe a band poster of some kind. However I didn’t really have any specific purpose in mind.

5. I think the tool I will use the most is probably a variety of the shape tools, or the pen tool. In contrast, using the pen tool can make the lettering turn out unsymmetrical and without rhyme or reason, to use a cliche, while the shape tool will make it a lot easier to be organized and more formal even if the font itself isn’t supposed to be formal.

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