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1. I think that font can change the mood drastically, however the way it does so is so subliminal that it’s hard to notice how you’re feeling when you’re feeling it. Like the guy said Helvetica itself is a pretty balanced mix for a person’s mood. It makes us feel impartial because it’s so clean and common that we have just been eased into a mood of security when it comes to helvetica. Some bands have a certain font they use for their name that make me not wanna listen to them, regardless of the name of the band. The font may be difficult to read or odd looking and it makes me not wanna listen to the band anyway.

2. I probably use Times New Roman the most simply because it’s the font that teachers prefer for writing papers and essays, other than that I don’t really type out too many things.

3. Looking throughout the ages, it seems as though every generation has it’s very own style to it as well as design. Painters in the last 20 years seem like they have evolved from the tradition way of painting in the early 1900s’. It shows who we are as a group of people and really keeps the history of our generations in check.

4. I’m not sure about how I would feel about it primarily because I haven’t experienced a major change in the font, depending on which font it is I could think it’s a little cooler or a little more lame. It would vary depending on the place or company that had the font altered in the first place.

5. The thing that I have taken away most from this film, is that I’m really starting to notice all the different signs and whatnot that use helvetica. It’s something I had never noticed before, and it keeps popping up everywhere; it’s driving me crazy a little bit but it’s also interesting to have your eyes opened to how common helvetica is.

6. It’s made me appreciate it a little more in terms of the work that goes into making a font, I had never really thought before on how long it takes just to make a set of letters and symbols.

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